Maui County Planning Department, Kalana Pakui Bld, 250 South High Street, Wailuku, Maui, HI 96793. 808-270-7520. 2004 – current.
- Provided technical assistance in matters of endangered species, HCPs and full permit review. Served as a voting member of the Coastal Resources Management Board of Directors, which reviews and conditions all development proposals in the Northern Mariana Islands. Co-authored an USFWS-approved adaptive management plan for a wildlife sanctuary that provides off-site mitigation for ‘takings’ of Nightingale Reed-warblers, a federally listed endangered species. Reviewed EIAs, NEPA documents, Section 7/10 and USCOE permit applications, as well as Biological Opinions for all major development and infrastructure projects within the Commonwealth, CNMI.
- Provided legal, regulatory, planning and policy guidance to the CNMI Dept. of Lands & Natural Resources and the Division of Fish & Wildlife on sanctuary’s, marine protected areas, endangered species, non-point source BMPs, NEPA, EIA, BO, fisheries, hunting, conservation and natural resource issues. Drafted laws, regulations, executive directives and management plans for conservation / protected areas, as well as jointly authored a sustainable fisheries Act for submission to the Natural Resource Comittee and the CNMI Legislature.
- Served as the Local Navigator for stakeholder forums pertaining to recreational use of coral reef and marine resources. Fostered sustainable tourism by facilitating stakeholder creation of local action strategies for conservation, including garnering the active support of a major tourism constituency in protected area management efforts. Developed multi-lingual coral reef conservation and protected area education materials, brochures, maps and presentations.
- Secured $750,000 in grants to fund coral reef and fisheries conservation and protected area programs. Authored and managed grants, developed proposals, wrote status and technical reports, tracked budgets, performed statistical analysis, authored final reports, presented findings and authored publications. Jointly authored Coral Reef Initiative grants for over $1 million in funding for environmental agencies of the CNMI.
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