Seawall Repairs & Drainage Improvements
We facilitated government coastal and environmental approvals for repairs to a failing seawall for condominium owners along the Napili coastline in west Maui, Hawaii. We performed drainage analysis and garnered collaborative government approval to improve beach quality and mitigate storm water pollution from the condominium’s parking lot with drainage enhancements. We created site-specific best management practices, authored compliance reports for regulatory agency acceptance, and developed signage for a new publicly accessible route to the shoreline.
The project received national recognition as exemplifying the value of the coastal permitting regime by the State Office of Planning. The project served as one of seven case studies conducted statewide by the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization on behalf of The State Office of Planning and NOAA. The May 22, 2013 report “Methodologies to Assess the Value of the Coastal Zone Management Special Management Area Permit Program”
The report can be viewed at
Before Repair
After Repair
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