Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. 1996 – 1999.
Developed an in-depth understanding of the technical, financial, and regulatory issues and concerns of the water quality community, as well as philanthropic motivation, marketing, volunteerism, networking, and self-motivation within a team-oriented working environment. Recruitment and research endeavors necessitated working with professionals from firms such as; CH2M Hill, Black & Veach, Malcolm Pernie, ALCOA, Union Carbide, Eastman Kodak, E.I. DuPont, Shell Oil, international interests, and numerous public water and wastewater utilities.
- Solicited and retained $1.4 million in research program funding from more than 25 new clients.
- Built long term relationships with CEO’s, Directors, Academics, Industrialists, and Regulators.
- Provided guidance and information to public utilities serving 70% of the sewered U.S. population.
- Developed marketing plans, budget forecasts, deliverables, and survey instruments to determine and respond to the needs of the industry.
- Developed a leading National study on pathogen removal in reclaimed wastewater effluents
- Developed international collaborative research opportunities and agreements.
- Provided institutional strengthening for utility and regulatory personnel and management.
- Authored Grants and Request for Proposals (RFPs) addressing research needs.
- Disseminated research results through meetings, seminars, presentations, and publications.
- Recruited volunteers for the scientific peer review of research projects.
- Acted as a liaison for relevant policy issues and areas of regulatory concern.
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